The Amaroo Equine Ranch Hand Program is a transformative experience designed for individuals aged 16 years and above. At Amaroo, we believe in the power of community, hands-on learning, and the profound connection between humans, horses and nature. Our program is tailor-made for like-minded individuals seeking a unique opportunity to develop practical skills, forge lasting connections, and embark on a journey of personal and professional growth.


The Amaroo Equine Ranch Hand Program is an immersive work experience and exposure program set against the picturesque backdrop of our equine-focused ranch. Participants will engage in a variety of activities and skill-building sessions each Wednesday during school terms, gaining valuable insights into horsemanship, animal care, property management, and sustainability.


Hands-On Horsemanship: Participants will have the chance to work closely with our equine residents, fostering a deep understanding of horse care. This hands-on experience not only builds confidence but also cultivates empathy and communication skills.

Building Skills: From constructing shelters to maintaining fences, participants will learn practical building skills essential for property management, big and small. This aspect of the program instils a sense of responsibility and accomplishment as individuals contribute to the physical development of Amaroo.

Property Management: Understanding the ins and outs of property management is crucial for anyone looking to work or interested in a rural or agricultural setting. Our program delves into the fundamentals of property maintenance, organization, and upkeep.

Sustainability Focus: Amaroo is committed to sustainable practices, and participants will gain insights into eco-friendly property management. This includes learning about water conservation, waste reduction, and environmentally conscious decision-making.

Social Skills Development: Working alongside fellow participants and guided by experienced Amaroo practitioners, individuals will develop strong interpersonal skills. The property setting provides a unique environment for teamwork, communication, and relationship building.

Facilitated Learning: Our skilled Amaroo practitioners lead sessions, ensuring a structured and supportive learning environment. Participants receive personalized guidance, making each session an opportunity for growth and skill acquisition.

Work Readiness: The program is designed to equip participants with practical skills that go beyond the ranch. Whether pursuing further education, exploring personal development or entering the workforce, individuals will emerge from the program with a heightened sense of readiness, adaptability and confidence.


Have some questions about this program before you enrol? Use the button below to leave your details and questions and one of the Amaroo team will be in contact to answer any queries you may have.

  • NDIS participants over 16 either male or female are welcome to enrol in this course.

  • -Certificate of Completion from Amaroo

    -Personal work experience reference from the program facilitators

    -Graduation gift for each participant to support them on their work experience journey

  • Our delivery is flexible and the above are examples of our program inclusions.

    We incorporate specific learning requests from the RANCH HANDS during the initial session, therefore we can incorporate any specific skill development requests into the program.


Amaroo Explorers